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Casino do Estoril - Museu Digital


Casino do Estoril


Museu Digital

Áreas Envolvidas:

Marketing | Design Gráfico | Marketing Digital | Modelação Digital | Audiovisual

Casino do Estoril - Digital Museum

Client: Casino do Estoril

Project: Digital Museum


In the spirit of celebrating the 100 years of Casino do Estoril (60 years of the current building) was developed and launched the Casino Virtual Museum of Estoril. A repository of all the existing materials and belonging to the Casino, which represent all its years of history and glory.

A collection, cataloging and preparation of materials that was carried out over four years by a team of specialists.

The challenge launched to Communicadores & Associados was to develop a digital space, within the Estoril Casino space, that would mirror this collection and allow its viewing by the visiting public, as well as an advanced technological solution in terms of presentation of materials and history of space.



Going beyond what is requested, and doing justice to the building and its objectives as a place of leisure, culture and entertainment, as well as a place of play; the proposal of Communicators & Associates went beyond what was requested when proposing the development of a multi-functional space and that answer the different applications that a space of this type could receive.

In addition to being a space for the presentation of the history of the casino, it would be a multi-functional leisure space that would offer the possibility of presenting other activities of the casino and, in the objective that is the operationalization of a structure of this nature, "monetize" its existence through its multiple functionalities.

All this solution was developed through the development of a partnership with specialists in the field of programming, digital solutions, content development, etc.

The proposal therefore included:

  • Augmented Reality Screens (with the possibility of being used as a "video wall";

  • Reality Virtual Display screen of presentation of virtual objects of the estate;

  • Glasses of Virtual Reality for knowledge and "journey" through the history of Casino do Estoril;

  • Surrounding Projection of original contents and those that are part of the casino estate and that are in the Digital Museum;

  • Possibility to visit the Estoril Virtual Casino and know its contents;

  • Different screens that present the contents of the digital archive developed;


All of these supports are adaptable and can be used for other types of presentations, such as press conferences, launches and events associated with culture, performance of shows.

The project was submitted for the appreciation of the administration and elements participating in the project, and has not yet been implemented.

Involved areas:

Marketing | Graphic Design | Digital Marketing | Contact Us | Audio-visual

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