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AEA/AECA - Astrolábio


Master Export

Áreas Envolvidas:

Marketing | Design Gráfico | Marketing Digital | Audiovisual | Produção

Master Export

Client:  AEA/AECA - Astrolabe
Project:  Master Export


A project developed by the Business Association of Águeda and the Business Association of Cambra and Arouca, with the aim of promoting exports by the Metalomecânica and Habitat clusters.

It is a project supported by Compete 2020/FEDER, within the scope of Portugal 2020.

Develop communication and dissemination solutions for the project, both for the internal and external market (Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Poland and Spain), which are defined in the scope of the approved application for the project.

The solutions encompass physical and digital media, as well as the design of the identity and all parts and communication media.



The developed solutions included:

  • project communication plan

  • Digital Marketing Plan

  • Visual identity of the project

  • Identity Card

  • Economy design

  • Cluster Disclosure Brochure

  • Project and cluster presentation video

  • Website for the project, including areas for downloading documents and information, calendar of events, dissemination of activities (blog), etc.

  • Presence in social networks relevant to the project's targets

  • Content and online campaign management

Involved areas:

Marketing | Graphic Design | Digital Marketing | Audiovisual | Production

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